Thursday, October 10, 2013



  • Hair Color Protection
  • Leave In Conditioner
  • Hair Detangler Spray
  • Blow Dry Spray for Quick Drying
  • Moisturizer for Dry Hair
  • Low Porosity Hair Care
  • Weightless Conditioner
  • Hair Cutting Lotion


  • Split End Treatment & Prevention
  • Hair Breakage Treatment from Daily Brushing & Combing
  • Hair Fiber Product
  • Repair and Protect Heat Damaged Hair
  • Shields Hair Against Enviromental Damage


  • Hair Smoothing Treatment
  • Silky Hair Treatment
  • Seals Hair Cuticle
  • Hair Moisturizer Spray for Reduced Dryness
  • Anti Frizz Hair Spray
  • Reduces Hair Static
  • Hair Refresher Spray for Restyling
  • Hair Shine Treatment
Contact me @ if you want to try out this new product!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Glitter Toes are done with a thin layer of gel, glitter and a UV light. They will last for about 6 - 8 weeks. I charge $25/set or host a party and get FREE glitter toes with 6 or more people. 
Book now for new spring colors! 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Ways to use Makeup Pigments


Learning how to use makeup pigments in all new and different ways is what it's all about, girls! I love all of the brand new MAC makeup pigments that are out, but I was always curious how I could use these pigments in other ways, besides on my eyes. If you're wondering how to use makeup pigments in a different and unique way, take a look below! My top 7 ways to use makeup pigments will blow you away! 


I've always wanted to create my very own nail colors. The nail colors on the shelves sometimes just don't do it for me. This is one of the most creative  tips on how to use makeup pigments in a different way techniques, girls! Just add a bit of the makeup pigments to a clear nail polish and you've got a brand new nail color! How cool, right? I love mixing up a great purple or pink nail color!


If you're constantly having problems trying to find a lipstick color that works for you, why not take a little Vaseline and mix it up with some makeup pigments. This will create a lip gloss that is not only colorful, but you can make it deeper or you can make it just a little tinted. Great way to keep your lips hydrated and colorful! This is one of my favorite ways to use makeup pigments!


Makeup pigments are also a great way to bring out your cheekbones! Just a little brush of them as blush can really draw attention to your cheekbones and really give you that summery glow, no matter what time of year it is. Trust me on this, just one swipe can work wonders!


Of course, makeup pigments always make a great eye shadow, but did you know that straight makeup pigments actually add more color and last longer? The more pigment that you have in your eye shadow, the better off your eye makeup will be and the better it looks! Trust me on this one, girls!


If you mix a bit of your makeup pigments into your foundation, it can give you a general glow and can actually serve as a bit of a bronzer! Just a bit of brown pigments into your foundation can really bring out the summer glow in you. If you add in some pink pigments, it can serve as your blush!


Pigments can also be used as a highlighter for your skin. Just a little brush of some white pigments or even mixing some pigments with your foundation can actually highlight your cheeks or even slim down your face a bit. I love using makeup pigments as a highlighter!


Finally girls, the last makeup pigment use can be for your hair! If you're looking for a way to change up your hairstyle a little bit, why not add in a funky color for a day or two and see what happens? A little blue, a little gold or even some red can really make all of the difference! 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Reasons to love your hair...

Reasons to love your hair...

Do you find it hard to love your hair? Our hair can often cause us more frustration than any other aspect of our appearance, perhaps because it’s so much a part of our image. Many of us spend a lot of time and money trying to change the look of our hair. We change the color, have extensions put in because we can’t persuade it to grow longer, straighten our curls or have curls put in when it’s straight. It’s really so much easier to learn to be happy with your hair as it is! So here are some great reasons to love your hair type, whatever it is.


Why should you not love your hair, when it’s part of you? Perhaps you find it frustrating because it’s so curly, and you can’t do a thing with it. Instead of hating your hair, learn to work with it. Get a good cut and find products that work for you. Perhaps you were teased for being a redhead? Hey, there are women who spend a fortune coloring their hair to get the look that you were born with!


Changing your hair because you’re unhappy with it is very expensive and involves a lot of visits to the salon. What’s more, you have to keep repeating the process regularly. Work out how much money you spend on your hair, and you’ll probably get quite a shock when you total up the annual    bill for salon visits and expensiveshampoos. Learn to love your natural hair, and you’ll save both  time and money!

If you've always hated your hair, then it's time to stop and take a closer look. Is it really that bad? You might think it's a boring mousy brown or a dull blonde, but a closer glance will show the different shades. Nobody else has hair exactly like yours, so be proud of it - it's unique!


Whatever your hair type, and however much you hate it, I can guarantee one thing. Someone else loves it and wishes that they had your hair! The funny thing about hair is that we invariably dislike our own, and love someone else's. Yet they hate their hair and would probably love ours! Remember what I said about redheads? Those people who teased you when you were a kid are probably envious now!


Learning to be happy with your hair makes your life a lot more practical. Instead of having to spend hours every morning straightening your hair (which isn't good for the condition), you can get ready much faster if you accept your natural hair. Plus it avoids the time and expense of having your hair colored (a decent colorist does not come cheap, and do you really enjoy having to go back once a month to have your roots touched up?).


If you're going to learn to love your hair, you need to get used to it. We all see a picture of a celebrity or model, or pass a girl in the street, and wish we could have her hair. Well, we can't, and if we somehow did manage to get an exact copy of her hair, it might not suit us anyway. Why not just get used to the fact that your hair is as it is!


Sure, if we don't like our hair we can change it, but for the reasons I've discussed above that can be a nuisance. It can be so much easier to just accept what nature (and your genetic heritage) have given you. Any negative feelings about your hair are probably nothing more than your perception, so start to look at your hair another way. I used to dislike the color of my hair, now I think it's quite interesting and I'm much happier with it. Nothing's changed about my hair - just my outlook. 

If you wish you could wave a magic wand and get the hair of your dreams, or you're unhappy with your natural color or hair type, try to see it a different way. Your hair is probably much nicer than you think it is. It's fun to experiment with color and try a different image, but that's different from hating your hair, as many of us do. How do you feel about your hair - would you do anything to change it if you could?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Family physician's kit

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

DIY Sunscreen

DIY Before and After Sun Skin Care

You can get fancy, complicated or just keep it simple. I like simple but if you want the more complicated fancy body butter recipe you can get it on this blog.
Choose Your Base
Many nut butters and veggie oils have natural SPF qualities to them. Red Raspberry and Carrot Seed oil have upwards of SPF 28-50. Shea butter and avocado oils have SPF 8. Coconut oil, hemp, macadamia nut, and sesame have SPF as well.
Choose Your Application Method
Since homemade beauty products have no preservatives we run the risk of mold, bacteria, and other factors of yuck. So the less you have to stick your finger in the jar the better. For this reason I choose to use a spray bottle to house my sun oil. When choosing your application method, consider consistency (shea butter is thick and won’t work with a spray top), frequency of use, price point, and available supplies.
Choose Your Essential Oils
Some oils like helichrysum have been studied for their ability to block out some of the suns rays, but it is the skin regenerative attributes of the oils that really excite me! Oils like frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood, patchouli, lavender, geranium, and helichrysum are amazing at repairing damaged skin, reducing wrinkles, and returning elasticity to our skin. Choose one or more of these oils for your sun oil. If you have the blend Immortelle then that is perfect as it has almost all of the above oils plus Rose.
Mix It All Up
I like to recycle my old essential oil bottles. So I take the label off the 15ml brown bottles and boil it for 30 mins to remove any bacteria. Then I add my carrier oil and about 3 -6 drops of essential oils to the 15ml of carrier oil. Top it off with a spray top (available for purchase at Shake and it’s ready to go! Re-apply often for best results.
Why doTERRA Oils?
doTERRA oils are the purest, most effective, most sustainably harvested essential oils available today. No other essential oils touch my body EVER! They are simply the best.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Coconut oil deep conditioner and detangler

deep hair conditionerI decided to do something nice for ME today. It was a little out of character….and it felt a little strange…but overall it was great!
Several weeks ago I came across this Coconut Oil Deep Conditioner hair treatment at and was intrigued. I wanted to give it a try…but something always came up. I swear…having a blog is like having a baby!  I hardly get any sleep and I’m lucky if I can get a shower in during any given day!
So today I decided to put “the baby” down for a nap and MAKE some time for this.
Mixing up the ingredients was a SNAP. Just three ingredients that you mix with a spoon. No heat required.
deep hair conditioner

After I mixed it up, I decided I would be really smart and put it in a plastic baggie so that I could “pipe” it onto my hair. ITHOUGHT this would be less messy, but it really wasn’t. So I wouldn’t bother with this step next time. I’d just use my hands and glop it on that way. Either way it’s a little messy…but nothing that a little soap and water won’t wash right up.

deep hair conditioner

After applying the conditioner you’re supposed to cover your hair with a plastic bag or a shower cap, neither of which I had on hand at the time. So I ended up fashioning a turban of sorts out of plastic wrap! Now that was quite the sight! lol.  I toyed with the idea of taking a picture of my plastic-wrapped head…but I just couldn’t bring myself to. ;-)
Once your head is appropriately shrink-wrapped, then you’re supposed to apply heat with a hair dryer. I did this for about 5 to 10 minutes. Then you leave the conditioner on for 15 to 30 minutes. I got distracted by something (big surprise!) and ended up keeping it on about 45 minutes. After that I hopped in the shower and shampooed and conditioned as usual.
As I got out of the shower I wasn’t sure I could tell any difference while my hair was still wet…but by the time I was done drying my hair…I definitely noticed a difference! My hair felt much smoother and looked shinier. All afternoon I kept running my fingers over my hair because I wasn’t used to it FEELING so nice. I even snapped a picture so you could see my mostly gray hair looking extra smooth and shiny. (Which, as you know if you have gray hair, is quite afete feat!)